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In English

‥‥‥‥‥‥‥下堂薗権洋 783
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥早瀬幸俊 785
薬剤師のモラルディレンマ -ケース検討から学ぶ倫理的問題の対応法-
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥川村和美 793
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥松田 純 807
― 総    説 ―
凍結ヒト及びカニクイザル肝細胞の初代培養系を用いた薬物曝露による薬物代謝酵素 mRNA 発現変動の評価
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥西村益浩 815
β-ラクタム系抗菌薬の標的部位 pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics 研究に基づいた個別的至適投与設計
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥猪川和朗 821
―一 般 論 文 ―
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥鈴木信也,村山悠佳,杉山恵理花,関山正夫,佐藤 均 829
Preliminary Study to Identify the Predictive Factors for the Response to Methotrexate Therapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥井上幸恵,橋口正行,高木賢治,川合眞一,望月眞弓 843
Evaluation of Tetrandrine Sustained Release Calcium Alginate Gel Beads In Vitro and In Vivo
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Yan Ma, Wei-Zhong Li, Shi-Xia Guan, Xiao-Ping Lai, Da-Wei Chen 851
Z-ligustilide Extracted from Radix Angelica Sinensis Decreased Platelet Aggregation Induced by ADP Ex Vivo and Arterio-venous Shunt Thrombosis In Vivo in Rats
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Lian Zhang, Jun-Rong Du, Jin Wang, Dong-Ke Yu, Ya-Shu Chen, Yao He, Chen-Yuan Wang 855
Gastroprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Opipramol on Indomethacin-induced Ulcers in Rats
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Hakan Dursun, Fatih Albayrak, Mehmet Bilici, Feride Koc, Hamit Hakan Alp, Tuba Candar, Osman Kukula 861
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥田中裕子,渡辺賢一,張馬梅蕾,Punniyakoti Veeraveedu Thanikachalam,山口賢一,太刀川 仁,小玉 誠,相澤義房 871
― 資   料 ―
Determination of Total Ash and Acid-insoluble Ash of Chinese Herbal Medicine Prunellae Spica by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Yulan Rao,Bingren Xiang 881
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥濃沼政美,今井由恵,神田愛美,小池勝也,宮崎美子,佐藤 透,中村 均 887